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Numerology is the study of numbers. Generally most of the calculations are based on single numbers.

i.e., 1 to 9 ; they influence men and women equally, together with their hidden meaning, and the character pf persons indicated by them. There are only nine numbers on this earth by which all calculations are made.

Beyond these numbers all the rest are repetitions, as 10 is a 1 with a zero added, an 11 is 1 plus 1 a 2; a 12 is 1 plus 2, a 3; and so on.

Every number no matter how high, can be reduced to a single figure by what is called “natural addition ” from left to right.

The final number that remains is called the spirit or soul number of all the previous numbers added together.

The nine numbers we have got to study are1 to 9. These numbers are adopted in occultism by Chaldean, Egyptian, Hindu and Hebrew. Here I am giving both the methods to calculate your Key number, i.e., auto Compute and manual.

Type in your complete name in the box below and Press <Compute> to get your key no.
Your key number is:

Click on below Key Number link to know more:

  1. 1 (one)
  2. 2 (Two)
  3. 3 (Three)
  4. 4 (Four)
  5. 5 (Five)
  6. 6 (Six)
  7. 7 (Seven)
  8. 8 (Eight)
  9. 9 (Nine)

The method to calculate the key number manually is simple. Apply the following table of alphabets with their corresponding occult number. Use only the most used First, Last and middle name to calculate the number.

A – 1 ; B – 2 ; C – 3; D – 4; E – 5; F – 8; G – 3 ; H- 5; I or J – 1; K – 2; L – 3; M – 4;
N – 5; O – 7; P – 8; Q – 1; R – 2; S – 3; T – 4; U – 6; V – 6; W – 6; X – 5; Y – 1; Z – 7
Example: IMRAN       HASNY 14215     51351 13 15 4 6 10 1

Using the same method you can find out the City, Place or Town is fortunate for you or not. Type the name of City, Country or what place you want to calculate in the above box in place of name, do not press ‘Go’, simply check that it corresponds to your key number or not. If it is same as your lucky number then the place is fortunate for you. If it not matches it means it is less fortunate. If it matches to your UN-Lucky number, it means it is not fortunate. Same way you can calculate business dealings, journey dates, months, functions, lottery etc.


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