Every problem in life is not caused by negative energies, there are people who are going through a weak phase in life, with blocked income, love life not working, failure in relationships, lacks continuity in jobs, lack of sleep, anxiety causing sleepless nights, palpitations, medical expenses, all coming at the same time causing all kind of problems, this may not be a case of human imposed negative energies. A similar weak phase in a human life is a normal phenomenon. A negative mind attract one problem after other.
“Ghosts” are often the result of pranks, environmental phenomenon, or physiological conditions such as sleep paralysis and the hypnogogic and hypnopompic hallucinations that accompany it.
Sleep paralysis occurs when there is a disconnect between mind and body while people are going in or coming out of REM sleep.
Ghostly sightings can also be brought on as a result of a psychotic state, drug use, sleep deprivation or temporal lobe epilepsy.
A “ghost” can also be an illusion produced by the brain, particularly when a person is tired.
The probability of hallucinating rises with any of several possible functional shifts within the brain’s awareness system.
Anything that prompts a move from word-based thinking to imagistic or pictorial thinking predisposes a person to hallucinating.
I again suggest when such problem arises consult a good psychiatrist/ Psychologist.
Some people feel that they are under the influence of negative energy and the people who did this are hearing their every thought.
This is a psychological a symptom of psychosis. Similarly there are people who hear voices of others.
A symptom of schizophrenia in which a patient reports hearing the thoughts of others, being able to broadcast his/her own thoughts, and hear thoughts or voices where none exist. This happens when the balance of certain brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) is altered.
Neurotransmitters are needed to pass messages between brain cells. An altered balance of these may cause the symptoms.
Consulting a psychiatrist and taking antipsychotic medication and Cognitive behavioral therapy will easily cure this disorder.
this superstition arises from old beliefs in witches and their animal familiars; it has nothing to do in reality.
A rabbit’s foot, Lion’s tooth, horns of certain animals will bring you luck:
Talismans and amulets are a time-honored way of fending off evil; consider the crosses and garlic that are supposed to keep vampires at bay. Rabbit feet as talismans may hark back to early Celtic tribes in Britain. They may also arise from hoodoo, a form of African-American folk magic and superstition that blends Native American, European and African tradition.
Touch Wood, the most common phrase, crossing the fingers, there are endless list of superstitions
The superstition is a belief not based on fact. The Myth is an explanation of a phenomenon that was once a religious tenant.
Also, I want to point out, everything we do not have a logical or scientific explanation is not a superstition or Myth. There is something between belief and dis-belief. There are few powers which are at this point of time have no logical and scientific explanation, may be at a later stage.
I take this opportunity like I have in the past as a cricketer, that enthusiasm and expert guidance alone can reap benefits in a personal and professional bond. Similarly, my coming into contact with Imran Bhai enabled me to surmount the darkest chapter of my life. He has powers and talent that can effect change and infuse a new and evolved life. My finest good wishes to him.
I have been consulting Imran for many years regarding projects, property and relationships. Many a times I wasn’t kicked about certain projects and I was advised to take up those projects because it’s going to be fruitful, and it turned out that way and vice versa. I could continue this association because it seemed more personal as if your alter ego is conversing, arguing, suggesting and warning you, rather than a third person looking at your life and predicting things for you.
To be able to reason out our being here on this planet, to be able to figure out our rights and wrongs is not possible in one life time. Thankfully I met Imran: life’s understandings and doings have become much simpler and smoother. God bless him…
Imran is the real deal. A very gifted man who helped me heal from a very dark problem. He is caring and accurate. I recommend him highly.
Firstly i would like to thank Sayed Imran for changing my life since the day i met him,…Imran is the chosen one …. (mirdilbarraza@yahoo.in)
You are too accurate; you are gifted with powers use it for society welfare. All the best.
I met master Imran in my quest for knowledge, during this quest I got to know i was under some serious Black Magic. Master Imran helped heal the effect at least put a stop from future attacks using a combinations of healing methods. I have searched High and Low for a worthy master, spent vast amounts of money looking for a good teacher. The one thing I can say boldly about him is he knows what he is doing. Any man whom cares about the affairs of the human race more than money in my books has the true knowledge of command spirits like in the days of old. Another thing about him is he does not do what some may consider Black Magic so don’t even ask. This Man is the real Deal.
My entire life I never believed in any such science or predictions, But after I start consulting with Imran, my perception and life has changed to a greater extent. I am very thankful. God bless him.
I am Muslim and do not follow the predictive sciences, but am really surprised when he recounted my past life so accurate, like I was reading my own diary.. thank you Imran
Since I met him thru internet, I can say that my life has been completely transformed, notably on a psychological level. He has opened the path towards that which I waited for and what I was looking for.
I don’t know how to fully express my gratitude for the help and advice you have given me. I first contacted him, it was a little bit just by chance and by curiosity. But the most amazing was the accuracy of the dates he gave me, today I am very happy indeed, his guidance enhanced my career a lot ….
I am amazed with the insight given by him, someone can predict future so precisely, he asked me not to do journey on a particular day, and my car was crashed badly resulting the death of my driver …. it’s like a new life to me.
I turned to Imran coincidentally while I was deriving from my matrimonial path. I felt I was being dragged by forces unexplainable to me. However, I was amazed at how he helped me get back on the right track and I am and will always be grateful for how he helped me saved myself and the future of my kids. I since, (back in 1998) always consult Imran, for any relationship matters that I have and he always been helpful and assisted in all the way he could.
I found Imran on the internet when I needed answers to some life situations which were really bothering me. I was very touched by the quick response and help I got when I contacted him and even recommended him to my sister. Imran is a lifelong friend and a genuinely gifted man who is very passionate about what he does. Thank you for making a positive impact in my life; I see life differently now.
Imran has been a great help to me and my family when life seemed not to be going anywhere. Now I approach every situation with boldness and positivity. Imran has also helped me understand spirituality better. I particularly like the way he uses humor to diffuse difficult situations. I will always keep in touch with him and I feel he is my true friend.